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26th Palma International Boat Show 2009 

Palma Old Port ( Moll Vell / Muelle Viejo ) Area

 25th April to 3rd May 2009



Gremi Teixidors, 6,
Palma de Mallorca, 07009

Tel:           +34-971-431055
Mobile:      +34-669-744 965
Fax:          +34-971-430928


Summary of Economic Activity.

Palma based - official distributor in Mallorca for Yamaha, Zodiac, Sessa Marine, Avon and Zenit - Motor Boats, Inflatables, RIBs, Dinghies and supply of Marine Equipment including Outboards. Full after sales service and repair of motor boats and marine engines. 15 years experience in the nautical sector.


Stand.   B-12   406   407


Provisional Boat Show Press Release ( What will be on display )

Nautica Rosello will be exhibting two Stamas Yachts at Palma 2009 - The Express and the Oceania.

The Stamas Story.

Stamas Yacht is the oldest, continuously owned and operated boat company in the United States today. Located in the bayou-country of Florida's Gulf Coast for over fifty years, the Stamas family has been handcrafting boats for the discriminating boater.

Stamas is recognized, among those who know the difference, as a company whose vision and drive is not only a corporate mission statement but a hallmark of the craftsmen who have been expressing their passion for over forty-nine years. Perhaps that's why Stamas has a higher rate of lifetime owners than any other manufacturer.

When a 22-foot wooden Cruiser built by Peter and Nicholas Stamas, high school boys from Tarpon Springs, was awarded a First Prize at the Florida State Fair in the late ’30s, the future of the Stamas brothers was decided. Beginning in earnest after World War II, they’ve been boat builders ever since.

In their early years they built tough, rugged vessels and deep-sea charter fishing boats for the fleet that sails out of Tarpon Springs. In the late ‘50s, the Stamas brothers recognized the potential of fiberglass and concentrated on building pleasure boats with this new material.

While the passage of time has brought new designs, new techniques and new materials, the currents of tradition run deep in this family owned business. Peter Stamas and his sons and nephews are still in Tarpon Springs building boats with the same devotion to detail and respect for the sea that has been the hallmark of every Stamas.

The company’s approach to boat building reflects both the past and the future. It is at the same time innovative and conservative; innovative in hull design and new construction methods, yet conservative in the painstaking and time-consuming approach to building each individual boat.

Every Stamas is designed to be, above all else, functional, comfortable and safe. It must be sea-kindly in virtually any water, ride soft and level, require minimal maintenance, and keep its value year after year. A Stamas boat is built without compromise, guided by forty-nine years of experience and personal conviction. Each boat carries a seven-year hull warranty, but more important, every boat is backed up by a company with a long track record of superior products and satisfied owners. To Peter Stamas, his boats are simply built the way they must be in order to deliver a lifetime of service. And they do deliver from owner to owner.

The Stamas philosophy is evident in every boat in the line, whether Tarpon or Express. All are designed from the keel up for the rigors of offshore use. Yet these versatile boats are equally adept at meeting the needs of the occasional fisherman who cruises with his family or enjoys the change of pace of weekend gunk-holing or scuba diving.

The Stamas Express

More Information Awaited

The Stamas Oceania.

More Information Awaited


  Boats on Display

Mooring / Stand Motor / Sail Make            Model            LOA mtrs Beam mtrs
406 Motor STAMAS YACHTS EXPRESS 9.90 3.4
407 Motor STAMAS YACHTS OCEANIA 11.00 3.5

Click Here for More Information on the range of Stamas Yachts.

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Tel: +34 971 69 13 08    Fax: +34 971 69 34 18   Mobile: +34 609 65 77 36
Email: gw"AT"